That which at a moment's pulse
Would thwart the will, and bid it
Wish or seek the tyrant's hand
While tinsels and plums rot in vain.
Who feels it knows - when smiles turn to brine...
And scowls the anguished port would drape
Where from the sun in haste had set adrift .
Of different shades and tones confirmed:
The sudden stitch - the jab - the stab.....
The lazy rodent gnawing the trunk!
Oh how the maiden she buckles so
While the fruit of life she bears,
And the crowns of men anointed thus
With the load of daily cares!
Though some the bewitching hand may rile-
For life's entangled web of woes,
The bane of such to one resorts,
Who at the creeper's behest, to sin conspired
And the evil eye forth no shame would know;
Her unyielding aspect, our constant foe
Rattling cages, bruising souls down to the bone.......
Our charms and potions she rendered naught-
The vilest of which no peace accords!
Yet to the faithful succor prevails and hope abides
To all who the promised rapture await
When all that was written will come to pass.
Hope Kalé Ewusi ©