Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Onto the seekers, he gave his word
As to knowledge – its accoutrements
That understanding begets responsibility-
the lease of lore.....
From which ensues opportunity
For the foolish mane so to shed.

Now hail you scions of Socrates
To whom his don is bequeathed;
Bid not your laurels beguile your wit
Nor dim your hunkering souls.

Yet if need of comic mirth
And your fancies so concur,
Crash the knit-wit blooper fair
And watch dupes misspell their names
Or auction off their heirlooms
For a spin of the Ferris wheel.

And you birthed not of haughty stock
The foregoing you should abhor-
For knowledge bears not
Fruits of condescension;
Let noblesse your foundling crowns adorn.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Finding identity
In crowded places…
Each countenance flush

On frontal display;
Bearing contours of similitude
Yet never the same-
The one from another.

See the look of love…
Of anxiety – mighty dread
Caught in frames of fleeting spells;
Radiant smiles mocking
Gloom’s ugly scowls and eyes
Flush with stirring, reflecting humanity.

Scaling the spectrum
Of generational fervor,
The once cheery cherubic
Infant glow duly savored,
Yields to ascending years
Of youth’s chiseled flair.

And soon the sun setting
Fletches of mortality
Would each primal façade imbue
 Life defining impressions-
Fleshy folds – wise scrolls…..
Unique each, as the story it tells;
Faces bearing contours of similitude
Yet never the same, the one from another.
