Friday, August 24, 2012


Oh for such titillation
And sensual bliss-
Love’s elixir enlivening
Hearts of amorous beings
With arms entwined and curves
Aligned in serpentine pose…
Magic unfolds with rhythmic flair.

‘Tis of such that the poets rave
That where love’s pickets
Bind two hearts and flames alight
As from a homely hearth-
Songs of the lyre thrills the air.

But when love is spent….
Rancid and stale, it burns
With the sting of aged brine;
So take heed you feuding birds
And bid not one another gloom.


Monday, August 20, 2012


“In The Shade Of A Pecan Tree”
Curious souls in trivial quest oft’ seek to know
By what design the rushing wind blows,
But in the throes of deeper contemplation
Oft’ ponder the meaning and nature of things.
Thus from reflection to illumination - triumph ensues
For to know is to seek and decode the sage’s brow.
Yet triumph, though sweet a serpentine bliss
Onto fallenness  and shades of blue must bow.
For loss, change-decay to life is bound,
Like an importunate foe courting our door.
Still not to the wise alone  such keenness is due.
If onto fatal instincts the laggard concedes,
Doomed are his sails when life’s gale tidings blow
Yet in life, hope abides to all who would accede.